ToxLogic will work with an employer to implement a workplace Drug and Alcohol policy. We will offer advice on different types of testing and which types would be appropriate for a particular workplace.
Drug and alcohol testing in the workplace is not about shaming or punishing or putting anyone out of a job. It is in the interests of best-practice and ensuring long-term employee health and safety.
As part of introducing a policy, we encourage our clients to provide clear communication on the background issues of a workplace and the anticipated achievements of introducing a policy. When approached in a respectful, communicative manner, a policy which includes a drug and alcohol testing regime is an opportunity to build knowledge and awareness in the workplace.
Pre-employment testing
Pre-employment testing is normal practice is many industries.
ToxLogic can perform pre-employment tests to include:
Pre-employment testing is available through ToxLogic collection centres and at client sites if required.
Blanket testing
Blanket testing involves testing all personnel at a worksite. This type of testing is usually undertaken to provide information about the prevalence of drug use by personnel (employees and contractors) already on a work site. Whilst full chain of custody procedures are followed, the testing can be done without identifying individual results but instead reporting statistical information from the final results of the testing.
Blanket testing is generally done only once at a worksite and is helpful in clarifying the testing requirements in a developing Drug and Alcohol policy.
Random testing
A well implemented random drug testing program can be highly effective as a reminder to personnel that use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace is a safety issue. Clients with well-developed random testing programs in place have reported their employees as being supportive of such programs as they realise it is done to keep everyone at the worksite safe.
Post-incident and For Cause call-outs
A Drug and Alcohol policy should include the procedure to be followed at a site in the event of an accident or incident on a worksite. The results of such a drug test contributes to the effective investigation of an incident to ensure the root cause is determined. ToxLogic provides a 24/7 call-out service for our clients in the Melbourne and Gippsland areas.
Our For Cause call-out system is available for clients who feel there is a need to investigate an incident of unusual or out-of-character behaviour exhibited by an employee. As the cause of the behaviour is usually not known, drug or alcohol use can be ruled out by testing. Once substance use has been ruled out, the employer has the opportunity to continue the conversation with the employee in a more constructive vein.
A Drug and Alcohol policy should contain a commitment from an employer to provide help and support to drug or alcohol-dependent staff. Regular testing as part of a monitoring program can be part of the process for an employee as they progress through a rehabilitation plan. The monitoring program can be based around a combination of urine, blood and hair testing.
In addition to our NATA accredited urine testing capabilities, ToxLogic provides an excellent hair testing service and a finger-prick blood test for alcohol monitoring. Hair testing will provide information about a person’s drug use over several months while the finger-prick blood test will show the previous month’s history of alcohol use.